Human Anatomy vs Food?

This topic is highly emotional to many people and thus full of logical fallacy arguments (such as Appeals to Emotion, Ethics, Morality, Popularity, Authority, etc.,) the default means of communicating these days it seems. If people would simply understand the list of logical fallacy and perfect the art of intelligent communication, we would have 99% less problems in this world. Fallacies only serve to sever and shut down the connections needed to come to a full understanding and exploration of any given topic. It is a psychological warfare divide and conquer tactic. The more we can recognize the difference between logic and fallacy, the better off we will ALL be.

The arguments about anatomy, or the ability of the human digestive system to digest meat cooked and (raw!) dairy (raw only), is full of logical fallacy and inconclusive conclusions propagated by propaganda of confusion and enforced with passion by people who believe _______ (name your belief). It can be very difficult these days to concentrate long enough to grasp all the details of any given topic, especially one like this where so many unknowns and variables exist. This page is my own personal effort to understand all this.

The following was copied and pasted here. I did not write it, but it resonates on many levels and I post it here to log and preserve these ideas outside of Facebook.

There has never been a culture that has thrived as vegetarians. Sure there are individuals getting along on vegetarian diets, but there are no 4th generation vegans, no cultures subsist only on vegan diets free from all animal products.

Depending mostly on climate conditions, the ratio of plant to animal intake varies. In colder and more severe environments, the meat in-take is usually much larger. This primarily occurs for two reasons:

1) Plants won’t grow. You can’t eat what isn’t there. (Ask an Eskimo. He’ll know.)

2) The concentration of nutrients is much higher in meat than in vegetables. This means you can harvest less tonnage of food. It also means the culture can have less of an impact on the environment (then if they cut their meat in-take and became more herbivore-like.)

Because of “survival of the fittest,” there has never been a culture of herbivores. A human that tries to become a herbivore will cause physical damage to their neurological (and other) systems. A culture of herbivores would eventually wipe itself out.

The easier the catch, the more an omnivorous culture will thrive. Fishing tribes are often good examples of what plentiful meat can do to better society.


• 32 teeth (16 on each jaw)
• 20 of these are carnivore type
• These 20 are incisors, canines, and bicuspids for biting off pieces of animal flesh and crushing small, hallow bones and cartilage
12 of our 32 teeth are broad and flat for grinding.
Interestingly in many cases, four of these 12 molars will not be able to fit in the spaces of jaws designated for posterior teeth.
Human Evolutionary patterns may be showing us that only eight molars are sufficient for grinding the plant portions of the natural diet.

Jaw motion

• A carnivore’s jaw opens straight up and down like a pure hinge. There are no circular, side to side motions as in “chewing cud”. The jaw opens wide in relation to the skull.
• A herbivore’s jaw works in a circular motion and the jaw open’s short in relation to its size.
• The human jaw joint does both the Sliding movement and the pure hinge. The TMJ is labeled medically as a sliding/hinge joint

Full size mammals like cows and deer are herbivores are ruminants.
• Ruminants have complex stomachs made up of three to four chambers.
• Ruminants must periodically regurgitate plant matter back up into the mouth for additional chewing.
• Human don’t have multiple stomachs or have special enzymes and bacteria for digesting plant matter.
In the stomach, hydrochloric acid and various pepsinogens are produced by cells in the lining and act together to form pepsin. The purpose of pepsin is to digest COLLEGEN, which is the substance that makes up the connective tissue of meats.

Also produced in the stomach are tributyrase, which digest butterfat, and gelatinase, which liquefies the protoglycans of meat.

Collagen, butterfat, and meat proteoglycans are not in plants, yet humans have special enzymes for digesting them.
Various enzymes digest triglycerides, which are primarily fats from animals.

This process involves the emulsification of fats by bile acids and lecithin.

Finally, humans have an enzyme called cholesterol ester hydrolase for the sole purpose of digesting Cholestorol. Remember that cholesterol isn’t found in plants.

If humans were designed to use plants as a food source, why are there so many enzymes for digesting the parts of animals in the normal human digestive system?

If humans were designed to primarily eat plants, why doesn’t our digestive system have an enzyme for digesting cellulose, the primary building block of vegetation.
Realize that our digestion works more like a tigers that a cow. One stomach, lots of acid, stomach empties fast.

Unlike a Herbivore which has little to no acid, multiple stomach which never empty, and need to fermentate due to the lack of acid.

Humans Are Omnivores

Nutrient bio-availability

OXALATES (Oxalic acid)

Oxalates are a small molecule found in large amounts in plants. Oxalate is generally not found in animal products while many plant foods are moderate or high, and some are very high (such as spinach, beets, beet greens, sweet potatoes, peanuts, rhubarb, and swiss chard).

Oxalic acid is responsible for leeching and hindering our ability to absorb calcium.

High oxalates in a diet can also lead to build a build up in the kidneys of calcium oxalate. Resulting in kidney stones.


A plants natural defense chemical that is released to deter an animal from eating it.

Lectins are proteins that bind to cell membranes and reduce our bodies ability to absorb nutrients. They are an anti-nutrient.

As food passes through our stomachs it slightly damages the lining of our GI tract. Cells rapidly repair this damage but in the presence of lectins the usual rapid recovery of the cells is hindered.

Harmful Effects of Dietary Lectins
1) Lectins Are Resistant to Digestion and Are Absorbed Into the Bloodstream
2) Lectins Damage the Gut Lining Causing Leaky Gut
3) Lectins Stimulate the Immune System
4) Lectins Causes Autoimmunity
5) Lectins Affect the Gut Microbiota
6) Lectins Causes Abnormal Cell Growth

Lectins are abundant mostly in grains and legumes but are also found in vegetables, seeds, nuts and some dairy products. They are found mainly on coatings or plants skin. Lectins are responsible for chronic Inflammation. The body creates an immune response to the lectins as it tags them as foreign particles or antigens that could be harmful. This leads to an auto-immune response where the immune system will attack the tissues and cell membranes the lectins bind too.

Inflammation leads to disease….

PHYTIC ACID (known as inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6), inositol polyphosphate, or phytate when in salt form)

Phytic acid is a saturated cyclic acid. Its the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues, especially bran, seeds, cereals and grains.

It is an anti-nutrient.

Phytic acid is a problem in our diets. In addition to blocking phosphorus availability, the “arms” of the phytic acid molecule readily bind with other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, making them unavailable by the time we try to absorb them resulting in mineral deficiency.

Vegans and vegetarians are mostly prone to iron deficiencies. Not due to the amounts Found in either plant or animal source but the TYPE of iron. There is two types of iron…

Heme-iron : This iron is only found in animal products. Heme-iron is easily absorbed and also very Efficiently.

Then there’s Non heme-iron : This iron is only found in plant or plant based foods. Non-heme iron is poorly absorbed and ALSO even further affected by phytic acid.

Heme-iron is also unaffected by phytic acid hence why iron from ANIMAL products has a much greater bioavailability to us humans.

What you think is contained in a plant based iron source is greatly less due than stated due to its bioavailability and even further affected by phytic acid.

Phytic acid is destroyed completely through heating the vegetables. But oxalates and lectins are a different matter. Oxalates are impossible to break down by heat, when heated the oxalic acid content actually increases! Cook that shit it leads to more oxalates. And lectins aren’t destroyed by heat. The only way to lower the lectin content of plant based foods is through pressure cooking or fermenting but these processes will not completely destroy either


Humans are not herbivores


Facebook comments:
Cole Haley
I don’t mean to target individuals, but the flawed belief systems. It is inevitable that the Believers feel attacked, but maybe we can all get a clue about human psychology. Maybe there’s something wrong with the beliefs. ?

There are so many confusing straw man and paper tiger arguments on this topic it’s not easy to talk about, so bullet points and harsh comments or even jokes are in order to prod the thoughts awake. I’m trying to Rattle cages and smash all these boxes. Sorry if your offended.

Health and the bigger picture:
I see the World Health Organization, the many celebrities and the mainstream media all pushing toward a vegan diet for various reasons, health at the top, but truth is it’s making people unhealthy and subservient to the grocery store, shielded from the reality of life, death and basic survival needs.
Our bodies are made of fat and cholesterol, yet you see the mainstream medical Mafia perpetuating (paper tiger) lies that fat and cholesterol are somehow bad for us. Then there are the lies about salt as they prop up the strawman with poison falsely labeled as table salt, leading to the erroneous conclusion that all salt is bad, making endless war on sodium as if that is the culprit. Without sodium and potassium to pump energy through the cells, you die,, not to mention the energetic (“demonic”) possession and depletion that one experiences on the way to a salt free diet…
Without fat and cholesterol intake your body starts eating its own Reserves, so strict veganism is in essence self-cannibalism…

I see the same straw man tactics with the vegan stuff. There are certainly very real concerns about how these factory farms are destroying nature, processed meats and the over-reliance on carbohydrates,,,, that are opposite of what they say.

Starch, carbohydrates and hybridized fruit full of sugar along with the avoidance of animal products (with mineral salts) are among the primary reasons I’ve had accelerated tooth loss these last few years…(among other problems like depression and anger spurts).
Of course there are astrological explanations for the changing energy potential, but these are acting on the physics and psychological framework in place. There is no blame to be given to the moon for example, this is an energy potential that can hopefully help us see and feel where we can improve our lives. Feelings are our antenna to give us indications about the energy we are working with. We ignore those indications at our own peril. Blame is a form of ignore-ance and shifting of responsibility. Sometimes ignorance is bliss for a while, but eventually we have to face the facts.

Randy Drum
Facts have little effect on religious zealotry Cole and that is what most vegans are operating within or the myth of vegetarianism as being a healthy choice.. It is being perpetuated by goober-mint and their henchmen in the social media matrix via their endless corporate channels .. IF ya can’t see it then it is likely because your body is beginning to break down as the 1st to go is our cognitive ability.. our meat supply like all foods have been poisoned along w/our water and air, so to try and make a case against meat in this atmosphere of toxicity is absurd as it is all suspect .. we are not herbivores guys, simple… Omnivores do not eat vegetation alone or they get weak and sick and that is why our “global” governance and their paid army of morons seldom stop spewing vegan chants.. time to examine everything we “think” we know… we are what we eat and if we eat only plants what will become of us.. comparing our bodies to that of other animals who are equipped to eat only vegetation is an intentional scam on the gullible public.. NOT saying we should eat the percentages of meats many do today but that is not a case for veganism but one of gluttony.. if the global government is pushing it run away from it.


Why, How, What, Who Belief Systems like _____ or Veganism and Money is destroying your health@!

Before you slap me in the face with all the shit piling up around us or some anti salt or vegan diatribe or spinning ballshit, I hope you can step back from your egotistical clinging to a doctrine or flag pole and hear me out. I was vegan for several years while I drank distilled water and looped my urine as well as bathing in it everyday, in hopes that I would be healthier… I also avoided salt and went along with the agenda to demonize it, even against my own common sense and feelings that something was not right about it. AS I researched salt and minerals extensively, I began seeing things, and would ask questions behind the scenes to the admin (I was on the admin panel for at least 3 years and we had a separate group just for admin). I seen the heavy handed censorship of any discussion about salt. This topic particularly was banned and readers referred to the “Files” because we already established that doctrine. I was having serious problems with this topic long before I exited the group (in Aug 2016). I wanted to have this discussion so we could come to full understanding of truth, not just be bantering on some dogma, shutting people down and deleting them for daring to talk about the dreaded salt monster… Reality finally slapped me in the face<link} after 3.5 years of this practice, and now I’m seeking answers and accountability. I hope to remedy any damage I’ve caused by my promotion of these doctrines.

This post has a very bold title yes, but not at all a stretch as I hope to point out. Several comments on Facebook recently has prompted me to compile this article to log my own experience and that of others. The following is by no means isolated to the few here. I’ve heard these things over and over again as people come out of the veganism or Distilled Waters and Urine “Therapy” dogma. Even those still within these groups, are changing their tune because people are dropping like flies. People who “cured their cancer” with the piss drinking or veganism, are dying of cancer,,,? go figure… Some are reintroducing salt, others are reducing the amount of water or urine they drink… (I am generalizing and dramatizing here to make a point)

It’s not my intention to say that all the people in these groups are having such problems. Some have a combination that works for them and are happy with it, I’m glad for them. Those are exceptions no doubt. BUT, I also doubt the honesty of some of these as they have displayed their conformity to the doctrines by giving up their convictions for other truths that “make the group look bad” by association. I lost all respect for these “leaders” who sold their souls convictions and passions of seeking truth in all things in exchange for comforting lies so as to remain popular and praised by the community… This praise was offered to me as well, but I refused, thankfully. It really caused them to show their true colors and eventually led to the deletion of the Distilled Waters group in February 2017… cowards! But all the better to get rid of that ridiculous confusion of lies contained in that group…

I can’t help but see an overall pattern with many other people, especially over time (often about 3 or 4 years) where they figure out that starving themselves and avoiding necessary minerals (inorganic vs. organic is a big scamming bunch of shit) like salt or foods that contain necessary nutrients like ANIMAL products!@

Following are some comments and links from a Facebook post I made this week:
I shared this link: and here are the comments:
Friend 1:
“I’m with you. What I meant was that I went through the phase of not eating meat and drinking nothing but destilled water like Andrew Norton Weber instructed. But I am now rethinking this whole thing just as you are.”

Me, Cole:
“I’m with you too, sometimes I get frustrated cuz I’m not allways sure what to think or believe or the words to use trying to understand it all. Its a wild and crazy world of contradictions and inversions of truth and the way it should be.

We have to keep the antenna on full alert for subtle and not so subtle indicators and “GUT” feelings to navigate the rough and stormy waters of life.”

Friend 1:
2 years ago I broke my ankle, this was the first time I have ever broken a bone my whole life. and the dentists say that my jaw bones have deteriorated to much considering my age. Also I can’t recall ever having a cold as often as since the vegitarian and destilled water phase. Caught the flu like never before too.

“I would like to talk more about this with you. It seems I’ve had the very same things happen.
Well, I broke my little toe kicking a brick (first ever broken bone) about 4 years ago, so that don’t really count…

But teeth have deteriorated severely the last several years. I’ve not had a consistent dentist so records are not connected. But dentist I went to about a week ago said my teeth looked like they deteriorated pretty bad for my age.
Fungus on my toenails and foot, were not going away (and actually getting worse !) despite bathing in piss every day (aged mostly, supposedly the most powerful).
Toward the end I even switched to using boiled down urine because my skin was loosing its elasticity, I noticed very dry wrinkly look. I’m currently 43, this should not be happening.
AND it seems to have happened faster while on the empty distilled water, no salt, vegetarian diet, while looping piss…

Never really had problems with flu or cold, but have this perpetual mucus in my right nostril, which I ascribe to the rotting teeth on my top jaw. Have yet to go to (or trust) a dentist to take care of it…

I’ve been feeling much better last few weeks that I’ve been eating raw eggs and meat (not raw, but have tasted raw, its not bad. Especially the fat. Today I tasted some of the beef tallow fat that I got. Its just pure fat, and there is hardly no taste but feels great on the skin and made my mouth water.” I found myself rubbing it on my lips because it felt good.

Friend 2:
I got sick too, I wasn’t eating salt, drank a lot of distilled water and wasn’t get enough protein or fat. Once I reintroduced them into my diet, I came back to health.” [this friend I think is still vegetarian as of this writing, but reintroduced salt and more fat to her diet]

Friend 3 posted a few links along with a few comments:
Woah, Cole… I’m 4 years meatless now, and I also had my teeth deteriorate much faster in this period..!!!
Link quote:
Causes and Treatments for Adult Gum Disease, Tooth Ache, and Cavities

Let’s face it, going to the dentist is not fun. And as I’ve learned, getting a dental procedure does not solve your problem permanently. Rather it sets you up to have continual mouth problems for perhaps the rest of your life. Dentists temporarily treat one problem, that same problem then needs a retreatment 5-40 years later. Each treatment being more severe until false teeth are needed. A few lucky people are immune to tooth problems, and other’s do well with one dental treatment and have no need to return to the dentist in their lives. A dentist is really a doctor of dental surgery, someone who cures tooth problems through surgical medical procedures. These procedures to a large degree are irreversible. There is a great need and motivation to heal teeth naturally.

Why Teeth Decay

Tooth decay is caused by a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in the body needed to build healthy teeth. “Daily, the calcium and phosphate of the enamel is migrating out of the teeth to the bones, heart, brain and other places where it is needed. This is called by dentists demineralization.” Re-enamelization (teeth growing back) of enamel requires several factors, including enough minerals such as calcium, phosphate, magnesium, and the variety of enzymes needed to regrow tooth enamel such as adenosine diphophatase. Dr. Weston Price was a dentist who traveled around the world in the 1930’s and 1940’s studying the diet’s of primitive people’s isolated from the modern world. Weston Price found that he could eliminate or greatly reduce bad bacteria’s in the mouth which fuel the tooth degeneration process through diet. “These data are typical of clinical cases in which dental caries has been reduced apparently to zero, as indicated by both x-ray and instrumental examination.”
There are lots more words on this link:,-Gum-Disease,-and-Toothache.html

Still Friend 3 with another link:
A study was performed on 62 children with cavities, and they were divided into three different diet groups. Group 1 ate a standard diet plus oatmeal (rich in phytic acid). Group 2 consumed a normal diet and supplemented with vitamin D. Group 3 ate a grain-free diet and took vitamin D.

The results found that Group 1 who had a diet high in grains and phytic acid had an increase in cavities. Group 2 had improvements in cavities and less form. Group 3, who followed a grain-free diet with nutrient-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, meat, milk and took vitamin D, saw the greatest improvements — nearly all cavities were healed. (2)

“Im also looking into bone broth,” he says.
From the article Cole shared:

“Nothing ‘rots’ in a vat of pH 2 hydrochloric acid and pepsin.”

Ok.. So that makes me wonder about parasites, is it really that dangerous to eat meat because of the parasites if they land in a vat of hydrochloric acid and pepsin?”
That is from this link:

This topic is far from explained to my satisfaction. Veganism needs to have its own page… but I’m out of time for right now, so other things will have to wait for the next post.


I’ve been thinking today (again, and need to write this somewhere) that this whole thing is way bigger than Andrew or distilled Waters or veganism and Flat Earth, we’re all manipulated in so many ways chasing our dreams and illusions of Truth yet being spun on a ball of confusion, pigeonholed into this truth or that truth or some other, being led by our Knose from one trauma to another, and ironically, mostly self-inflicted,


Following is a post I made on Facebook February 24, 2018 along with the comments.


Grounded, I heard this from someone else too, I feel much more grounded these days now that I’m eating animal foods. Moods have stabilized and I feel good, like really good…
You vegans that stuff your nose in the air when people like me or this lady step out of the box oughta check your reactions, your egotistical clinging to religious doctrine (calling it like I see it, guiltitarian, Veganism, Fruitarianism, or most ridiculous of all Breatharianism) full of logical fallacies to make claims about anatomy or “natural” diets for humans, then beat others over the head with the Book of animal horrors, do you even give a flying fuk about your fellow humans? How about we fix the insanity rather than banning our food supplies??? I don’t want to die just yet, ffs…
I for one feel like I have a lot more work to do and life to enjoy on this physical plane. Eating only man-made fruits and vegetables or thinking you can live on air alone because of Hilton Hotema, is the path to checking OUT of physicality and destabilizing our mental functions along with a bunch of other problems.
Just about every vegan or fruitarian I see now (including those on my friends list) look sick and thin, shrunken bodies with no muscle tone.
Anyway, check this lady out if your open, she has some good points.



Elle F. D. Wildner:
I am sorry that vegans have given you so much trouble. Most of them are probably not even vegans. A lot of people are V.I.N.O (vegan in name only). People just like to wear that badge to sound cool and hip while they continue consuming honey, eggs, wearing leather and consuming goods tested on animals. So many say “vegan” but are really on a temporary plant-based diet. Most people can only stick to plants for a few months or years since they do it for health and diets never last. And then there are hired government trolls who act like a extreme cult who pose as vegans to discredit the cause. I can see right through these people. Don’t waste time on fakers as real vegans are generally good people who mind their own business imo.

People vegan or non, need to respect other’s paths. All the anger is causing division and we don’t need more of it. The establishment causes enough division as it is, and now we have to put fences between us due to food? Silly.

Never apologize for being true to your path, Cole. There will always be assholes around to judge and they will always be around so long as you apologize for your own decisions.

The Universe/God/Nature (whatever you wanna call it) does not judge. So why judge yourself?

Jessica Davidson:
Weren’t you a breatharianist or whatever the term is? And… weren’t you a vegan??
And I mentioned this to you before… you’re throwing all vegans in one box. What about people like me who eat plant based for my health? I don’t see anything about that.
Sorry I feel slighted cuz I just read two paragraphs of vegan bashing and your posts are getting a little more and more harsh.

Cole Haley I only say these things because I myself was religiously clinging to or at least guilting myself into being vegan especially when I was in the piss cult.
What is among first things I did when exiting that group? Eat meat!!! I went right down and got me a big ass chunk of beef from the health food store… And I tell you it was about the most liberating thing I did/do recently.
So in truth, I could have been posting on this topic since late 2016, but since I was just working through the waters information and realizing how we’ve been deceived thereby, posting about eating meat without sufficient experience or information to go on I kept quiet.
But now that I have some personal experience and information along with other friends (who was also in the DW group) having very similar experience, I feel the need to speak out when I can to my peers.
Jessica Davidson, I know how this information puts me at odds with you and Mary and other people I care about, (Ellie too, I love your expansive perspective on all this helping me balance thoughts!!) your right, I should be more gentle because we’re all just trying to do the right thing.
I don’t mean to target individuals, but the flawed belief systems. It is inevitable that the Believers feel attacked, but maybe we can all get a clue about human psychology. Maybe there’s something wrong with the beliefs. ?

There are so many confusing straw man and paper tiger arguments on this topic it’s not easy to talk about, so bullet points and harsh comments or even jokes are in order to prod the thoughts awake. I’m trying to Rattle cages and smash all these boxes. Sorry if your offended.

Health and the bigger picture:
I see the World Health Organization, the many celebrities and the mainstream media all pushing toward a vegan diet for various reasons, health at the top, but truth is it’s making people unhealthy and subservient to the grocery store, shielded from the reality of life, death and basic survival needs.
Our bodies are made of fat and cholesterol, yet you see the mainstream medical Mafia perpetuating (paper tiger) lies that fat and cholesterol are somehow bad for us. Then there are the lies about salt as they prop up the strawman with poison falsely labeled as table salt, leading to the erroneous conclusion that all salt is bad, making endless war on sodium as if that is the culprit. Without sodium and potassium to pump energy through the cells, you die,, not to mention the energetic (“demonic”) possession and depletion that one experiences on the way to a salt free diet…
Without fat and cholesterol intake your body starts eating its own Reserves, so strict veganism is in essence self-cannibalism…

I see the same straw man tactics with the vegan stuff. There are certainly very real concerns about how these factory farms are destroying nature, processed meats and the over-reliance on carbohydrates,,,, that are opposite of what they say.

Starch, carbohydrates and hybridized fruit full of sugar along with the avoidance of animal products (with mineral salts) are among the primary reasons I’ve had accelerated tooth loss these last few years…(among other problems like depression and anger spurts).
Of course there are astrological explanations for the changing energy potential, but these are acting on the physics and psychological framework in place. There is no blame to be given to the moon for example, this is an energy potential that can hopefully help us see and feel where we can improve our lives. Feelings are our antenna to give us indications about the energy we are working with. We ignore those indications at our own peril. Blame is a form of ignore-ance and shifting of responsibility. Sometimes ignorance is bliss for a while, but eventually we have to face the facts.

Cole Haley
Cole Haley I see the same kind of reactions on this topic that I did when Flat Earth came in 2015. Highly emotional and built on lies and strawman, ad hock fallacies.
I always paid close attention to anything that triggers an emotional reaction, I want to know why .!
What, for and how.

This is with the scientific method is all about, have an idea make a basic statement of your “hypothesis” share it with your peers and everybody put in your ideas in a constructive de- re- struction process so we can all hopefully come to a complete understanding of the topic at hand.

Problem Reaction Solution is a predictable base function of human psychology used against us.

Taurus Gemini moon stepped into a physical world of scattered pieces to an infinitely complex Cosmic puzzle, what do you do? You communicate with everything or at least seek to understand the very dirt and bugs underneath your feet and to the stars above, gather pieces and start making connections, Mercury in Aries 1st house blunt and to the point rattle the cage get outta town war with words communications style, 2nd house Taurus sun keeps it organized at least but I have a deep connection with bulls and cows, more like bison and black bears, animals.

Randy Drum:
Facts have little effect on religious zealotry Cole and that is what most vegans are operating within or the myth of vegetarianism as being a healthy choice.. It is being perpetuated by goober-mint and their henchmen in the social media matrix via their endless corporate channels .. IF ya can’t see it then it is likely because your body is beginning to break down as the 1st to go is our cognitive ability.. our meat supply like all foods have been poisoned along w/our water and air, so to try and make a case against meat in this atmosphere of toxicity is absurd as it is all suspect .. we are not herbivores guys, simple… Omnivores do not eat vegetation alone or they get weak and sick and that is why our “global” governance and their paid army of morons seldom stop spewing vegan chants.. time to examine everything we “think” we know… we are what we eat and if we eat only plants what will become of us.. comparing our bodies to that of other animals who are equipped to eat only vegetation is an intentional scam on the gullible public.. NOT saying we should eat the percentages of meats many do today but that is not a case for veganism but one of gluttony.. if the global government is pushing it run away from it.